
What If You Made That Dress?

How Can You Help?
You are welcome to sew on your own. PLEASE BE SURE TO FOLLOW OUR Guidelines! All dresses are carefully checked before being sent to any mission, and we can't send dresses that don't follow the guidelines. Completed dresses should be sent to your Ambassador or to our headquarters.
Join one of our existing Dress A Girl groups. Here is a calendar with sewing groups in many places (It is not complete, as some Sew-Fest events are not listed. Contact your area Ambassador for complete details.) Most groups need volunteers who sew, but they also need folks to cut, iron, match colors...there's a job for everyone!
Some people organize their own sewing events. Here are some tips and items you will need if you are going to host an event.
Go around the world with us and see girls who live in a society where they have no value—where they are used as slaves, abused and preyed upon. Imagine kneeling before a little girl in Uganda or the Appalachians. You are holding a beautiful new dress—made by you. You tell her “I made this dress just for you because you are precious to me and to God.” Imagine as you drop the dress over her head that the shame she feels is dropping away. She lifts her chin toward the heavens—allowing her to stand tall. (By the way, we'd love to have you accompany us on one of our dress-delivery trips!)
Your financial gift enables us to ship dresses to groups who will hand-carry them to other countries. We also train women to make dresses within their own countries and gift them with sewing machines enabling them to dress their own girls. If you would like to help this program continue to reach girls around the world you can send a tax-deductible financial gift to:
Hope 4 Women International
P.O. Box 14
Forest City, IA 50436
Or if you prefer to pay through Paypal :